tools of procrastination part 2

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

i'm changing all my strings

my last day at work is next friday. i was going to work the first week in august, and then i realized, hey, i don't need that money since my new job will pay me the big bucks at the end of august. (sad that i see teaching as a pay increase.) aaaaaaand i freaking hate my job. so i changed my end date today and i am thrilled. i only have to work one more saturday. the saturday after that i'll be flying to new mexico to join my family for a week of camping. yes. YES. 8 days.

today we had a unit meeting at work. i was in the car with some of my coworkers on the way to our lunch place and we were telling stories about calls we've had. one of the ladies mentioned something about a rat's nest in a woman's hair. just as i was about to make a joke concerning the size of the actual rats living in the nest, one of my coworkers SERIOUSLY said, "i'm sure that they don't mean there's literally a rat's nest in her hair. maybe mice, but it couldn't be rats. they're too big." she was not joking. for a split second i had this urge to open the door and tuck and roll onto I35. thankfully it subsided and i simply rolled my eyes and (internally) sighed. 8 days.

if you know me well, then you know that there are few things that gross me out as much as a public bathroom. some of those things would be: people sitting on a toilet in a public bathroom talking on their cell phones, a public bathroom that smells like a newly made BM and/or seeing a woman carry baby wipes and air freshener into a public bathroom. vomit. in my mouth. i have experienced all of those at my current job. 8 days.

i am tired of hearing about sexual abuse. 8 days.

outside of work i've had a fun time. i broke the mahan curse on thursday and actually said no to an organization. my parents have struggled with that ability for yeeeeears and always get suckered into running things. my community building team asked me to step up into a leadership position instead of just being a member. while i was very flattered that they asked, i politely declined. the committee is going to be in charge of the agenda of issues that my church is going to tackle over the next few years (local, community, educational, legislative action) and it would've been a big task. i, on the other hand, will spend the next year consumed by 12 year old gang members and struggling youth and teaching them how to read the word "five." it's one job that i can't and won't half-ass.

the family came this weekend and as predicted we had an eventful weekend (except for the bat fiasco). one step closer to getting them all down here for good...

i saw bird watchers on my hike/run today and thought of jen. i miss you and hope all of the changes are working out in san fran. i saw diane's doctor pictures and realized, holy crap, diane's a doctor and fixes babies. i miss you and hope the medicine and houston are treating you well. both made me miss sitting on the balconey with you guys, drinking red stripe and complaining about men. oh the memories.

i'm getting closer to total happiness every day....8 days...


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