tools of procrastination part 2

Monday, June 25, 2007

monsoon season

i'm sitting in my bedroom, listening to damien jurado and rain. it has been raining in austin for the past twelve years, and while it's soothing and makes things pretty and green, all i want is to go to my pool and get a damn tan. what must i be smited like this?

in other news, our priest from nigeria had a lovely surprise this weekend and is being deported back home. they couldn't extend his work visa. and let me say, the fact that the cutest, sweetest, most joyful and peaceful PRIEST in the world cannot extend his work visa shows just how f-ed up our immigration policy is in this country. i could go on and on about how we screw people that really need to be here, and are trying to make it even harder for the ones whose lives depend on it, but i'll spare you. for now.

happy rainy monday. p.s. only 6 more weeks of my job!


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