tools of procrastination part 2

Monday, July 24, 2006


today was a happy day. after cutting and pasting and covering myself in adhesive and trying to be cute and teachery, i finished my research presentation for my master's. seriously, this type of thing is exactly why i was NOT an elementary ed. major. pretty sure i failed both cutting and glue usage in kindergarten and my skills have improved little since. besides, it's not really my style. in my classroom you'd never find anything "adorable" or "neat." the bulletin boards last year were often littered with clippings from the onion and morbid student illustrations of the works we read. i like it better that way.

but thank the LORD i got to relieve my stress this afternoon by fetching jen from the airport and then driving immediately to magnolia cafe where we literally gorged ourselves. seriously, my stomach is engorged and i'll have to not eat for about 3-4 days to make up for my lack of self control. all the same, it was positively delightful to sit across the table from this amazing woman and listen to her recount her adventures in san fransisco. she and diane were like my surrogate super hip and witty older sisters in college. i cannot wait until they come back on friday and we paint the town red. red i tell you.

tomorrow i drive to college station (yep, that definitely made me vomit just a bit). some of the last steps in attaining my master's. then i'll have 2 degrees and that will officially make me much smarter than many of you. unless i screw things up somehow. i seem to have an uncanny ability to do so. in which case i will simply be a failure. the end.


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