a forgotten post....

the changes
we all spend the first few months of our lives discovering the different parts of our bodies. lips, toes, fingers, ears and noses are all incredible inventions meant solely for our entertainment and exploration. watching a baby examine each treasure is sheer delight. the greatest scientific discoveries pale in comparison to those exquisite moments.
once those few months (or years for some of you slow learners) end, we get to spend the rest of our lives discovering the really complicated stuff. each interaction and milestone is really just a step on the journey to figure out what the hell we're doing here. and when we reach certain points, we look back and take a survey of what it all means. what's the sum of our experiences?
some of us get to have a small group of strangers answer that question for us. looking back on my college years, especially the early ones, i know i've made enough mistakes for 10 people, let alone one. some of the toughest, most challenging times have occurred in the past 4.5 years. now my youthful indiscretions and subsequent hard work are piled onto a few pieces of paper and added up in a few numbers. when you look at it that way, my time here doesn't mean all that much.
but the things that aren't on that paper are the truly meaningful events. i've learned what it means to be alone. 450 miles away from anyone you know alone. i've learned what it feels like to make a new best friend while never losing the comfort of old ones. i've learned what it means to be complete in my relationship with Christ through His Church. i've learned the value in keeping my mouth shut and quite often in running it off. i've learned to let go of people when they're really gone. i've learned what unrequited love is and how to maintain hope for one that will be unmatched. most importantly, i've learned who i am, what i believe and who i want to be.
the tearful goodbyes, joyful smiles, lonely nights, new friends, lost family, old friends, bursts of laughter, broken hearts, kisses, worried prayers, hugs, thankful prayers, humbled spirit and renewed faith. these have been my cherished discoveries. and each one is more precious than any application, grade point or diploma.
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