tools of procrastination part 2

Saturday, November 20, 2004

where do we go from here

as my college career is beginning to wind down, i've found myself weighing all of my options. although i'm not changing my ultimate goals in life, i have been considering various ways to go about it. i've always wanted to have a meaningful career that positively impacts the lives of others. teaching the kids in the worst circumstances is definitely in my near future. my mom tells me i have a gift for listening to people and she's always wanted me to be a couselor. like most things, she'll probably end up being right about that one too.

but right now, i'm one semester away from graduating with a simple bachelor's degree in english and let's face it, that alone is pretty worthless. i've been planning on doing the whole grad school bit to get a master's and my certification at the same time. but the other day, out of nowhere, i started thinking about what i'll do if i don't get in. yeah, yeah, emergency certification is easy in texas. but what if that rejection could really be an opportunity for something bigger, something more meaningful?

my dad's always told me that i really should live abroad while i'm young. broaden my horizons, get some culture. at what point in my life would i be more willing/able to pack up my life and head overseas than now? so fastforward to mike sharing these guys with me. i've always looked at those types of programs as amazing opportunities but as something that just wasn't available to me. i'd want something so specific. a reflection of my faith, but not preachy; meaningful but not self-righteous; a globalizing yet humbling experience. well, it's all there in that one little program. this time next year, i could be living in africa, south america or asia with some of the world's poorest and helping them improve their situation. the jesuit volunteers educate, work with the disabled and AIDS patients, fight for social justice and truly serve the least among us. kinda gets right to the point of that whole bible thing, huh?

so now i'm praying and searching for answers to this new option. mom's worried that it's just not safe, but dad sounded pretty optimistic about it and said he'd sit and discuss it with her. when i think about it i can't help but get excited. if i did it, i'd never be the same person. i think removing myself from american culture and wealth would force me to let go of the crutches that hold me back from growth. seeing the way a large portion of the world lives would be so challenging yet very rewarding. at the same time, how do i know if i'm even strong enough for that kind of test of character? maybe there's a reason i've always felt removed from these movements. they take a very special kind of person. i guess only time and prayer will let me know if i fit that mold.


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