tools of procrastination part 2

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

you turn me around

when my children refuse to do their classwork, i have them fill out a form telling me why. most of the time they choose to do their work instead. however, today after taking a practice TAKS test for the second day, some oƒ my children were particularly determined not to do a damned thing. one little baby, who i'm working my absolute hardest to see Jesus in, handed me back the form and on it was written "my barn can't function after the test." for a split second i was confused but then i realized his intent. i read it back to him and he was confused. that sweet little child of God did not know how to spell brain. i just had to smile and walk away.

tonight i read messages that my children from my fomer school had sent me on my teacher myspace. they are seniors now, but some of them still write to let me know how they are. one remembered the last day of school when i read oh the places you'll go to them outside. it made me cry. i miss those kids these days, but i have to remember that at this point in the year in 2005, we had plenty of struggles of our own..


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