tools of procrastination part 2

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

a life goal

i've always wanted to adopt what i like to call a rainbow of children. for years i've had this vision of myriad children from foreign countries living under my happy and healthy roof, escaping the life of difficulty that faced them in their home countries.

recently that vision has changed. working where i do and hearing what i do on a daily basis, i've realized how many precious babies - young and old - in my own state desperately need loving homes. i now know what it takes for a child to be permanently removed from a home and it horrifies me. my department has a page (* where you can actually see pictures of the thousands of children looking for homes where they can be safe and healthy and loved and as normal as they can be after what they've lived through.

someday, i will have one of those homes.

*warning: if you are at all inclined to crying over children you do not know, this website will certainly do the trick. for me, looking at it helps to bring a face to what i do everyday and makes me believe in the power of redemption.

on a more uplifting note, my roommate is currently downstairs helping santa spit up in our living room. week after thanskgiving (next week for the calendarily challenged) the decorations are on like donkey kong and our home will look like santa had a full-on new year's day pukefest across our living room and up the stairs. suh-weet.


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