tools of procrastination part 2

Thursday, November 17, 2005

every tool is a weapon if you hold it just right

you know those stories you hear that make you say "that doesn't happen. people don't really do those things"? yeah, well apparently those stories are my life. you may remember that my car was totalled while innocently parked in front of my college station home a year and a half ago. seriously, when does that happen? well, now i have a new tale to add to the list.

living in lubbock with my parents means that most of my worldly belongings are in storage. correction: were in storage. you know, until some crazy man decided to "give" it all away. a friend of a friend of my dad was letting me keep my stuff in her office garage downtown. so the aforementioned friend has a crazy son who got into the garage and "donated" all of my things to charity. personally, i don't buy the whole act of good will bullshit. shady family members tend to hustle not donate.

but the point is, the vast majority of the things i once owned are suddenly gone. currently the most upsetting thing is that my winter clothes are no longer existent. maybe if i lived somewhere that isn't in the lower 30s/upper 20s in the morning it wouldn't be such a big deal. but yeah. so that blows.

good news is i talked to an attorney (which in and of itself is odd because he's 27 and silly as hell) tonight who told me i can totally sue the crap out of the guy if he doesn't find a way to pay me back. suh-weet. look for me on judge judy.

completely different matter: one of my girls came up to me today and said "miss mahan, i want to show you something." she promptly pulled out a sonogram. man oh man is this job interesting.

sorry this was completely uneloquent and unfunny. deal.


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