tools of procrastination part 2

Sunday, July 11, 2004

condiments with a message

some people never mature beyond the fifth grade.

First there were "freedom fries" - for patriotic Americans who couldn't stomach the French version because of their opposition to the war in Iraq.
Now there's "W" ketchup to dip them in.

The W apparently stands for Washington after the nation's first president - but the manufacturers are throwing their weight behind George W Bush's bid for re-election.

In an appeal to Republicans, the sauce's website says "you don't support Democrats, why should your ketchup?"

That is a reference to Teresa Heinz Kerry - wife of the Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry.

She inherited a fortune from her former husband Senator John Heinz, who died in a plane crash in 1991.

Even before this latest salvo, Heinz was forced to point out that it was a non-partisan organisation and that no member of the Kerry family was involved in its management.

The firm will be hoping the election doesn't become a food fight.


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